Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'd like to introduce. . .

the newest member of our household!

Isn't she beautiful? I got her from my brother-in-law. She needed a new home and I'm known for taking in old gems. It's a Wuriitzer from the early 1900s. My bro-in-law was pleased that this would be staying in the family.

You're probably wondering if I can play piano. Actually, no, I can't. But I plan to learn. Ethan, my
11-year-old, thinks it will be great when I can play. He plays the guitar and his brother plays the drums. He said now his dad just needs to learn an instrument. :) Somehow, I don't think he would be very excited if we suggested family music time!
I told him that once he learns the keys on the piano, he will be able to play since he can play the guitar. He insists that the skills won't transfer. How is it that an 11-year-old thinks they know more than an adult? :)

I hope you all have a nice weekend.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1 

five days five ways </P>
<P>because every day is differentThis post is linked to Miss Mustard Seed.

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