Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #29

     I found the best yard sale this past weekend. There was so much stuff and it was priced so cheaply! I left with a full bag for less than $4.
     I got a brand new (still in the package) spring-loaded curtain rod for fifty cents. I don't have a specific need for it now, but when I do, I know I can't buy one brand new for fifty cents!
I love this burlap bag. I don't think it's old, but I've been on the lookout for one of these. Guess what I paid for it. . . ten cents!
I think it will make a cute throw pillow or padded seat cover. I've even seen these framed.

I believe this game is older than I am. I love the box!

This is a nice sized frame. It will look great with chickenwire in the center.

I got all 8 of these beautiful patterns for ten cents (not apiece- for ALL!) They're from the sixties and I just love the images.
The container that they're in was such a bargain, I couldn't pass it up. It holds the patterns perfectly. I think that's where I'll store all my old patterns in my craft room.

This cork is 12"x24" and came in a bundle of six- for fifty cents! I can't wait to come up with some cork projects!

I got both this unused sketch pad and this pack of 50 pink envelopes for ten cents each.

 I thought this blank recipe box would be a good replacement for my current recipe box which is on its last leg. The lady at the garage sale threw in the brand new recipe cards- I got them both for fifty cents. The Hobby Lobby price was still on these-they cost $6 new.

I stopped at one other yard sale and got this blanket for $2. It's in good shape. I've seen different projects using this type of material- I'm on the lookout for something to do with this one.

Well, I was out for less than an hour and didn't even spend $6 which left enough money for me to swing by Sonic for my favorite drink- Route 44 Diet Coke. That's what I call a good morning!:)

Good luck on your thrifting adventures!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any
excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

1 comment:

  1. Cute tiddlywinks game!! And what a fantastic chenille bedspread!
