Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Layout of the Week

     Hey Guys, just a quick post today. I'm cancelling the Layout of the Week for this week only due to some rearranging that's being done at our house. My craft space is currently being relocated from our spare bedroom to the master bedroom. This is no easy task as I have a lot of junk crafty stuff.
     Our spare bedroom started out as a nursery. As the boys grew up, they were relocated into the larger bedroom. The nursery became a play room. As they got older, they didn't need as much room to play, so I moved my scrap booking stuff in there and it became my play room. Well, my boys are getting bigger and I feel it's time for them to have their own spaces. So I came up with the overwhelming bright idea to move my roomfull of stuff to a smaller area.
     Like many of my ideas, this plan worked better in my head. I now have some of my stuff in the master bedroom. I still have half a room full of stuff in the extra bedroom. Some stuff has even trickled into the living room. I hate messes and dissarray, so this slow process is driving me crazy and it's cutting into my crafting time.
     The rest of my weekly features here on the blog will not be affected. I will be back next week with a scrap booking tutorial and maybe even a photo of my new work space! In the meantime, stay crafty, my friends!
     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Gal. 5:22-23

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