Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #36

     As promised, here's a look at the loot I got at the city-wide yard sale I told you about last week. I so enjoyed walking from yard to yard looking at stuff. My hubby even told me how much fun he was having. My younger son trotted alongside us in his football cleats (we headed out right after his game and forgot to bring him some extra shoes). My older son mostly sat in the hot car- but he was reading a book, so I didn't give him a hard time.:)

I scored this cool feed bag for fifty cents. The guy selling this said it was his last one and he had already sold quite a few which were in better shape. Too bad I didn't get there earlier!

LOVE this colorful crocheted blanket. Guess how much I paid for it-- $1. Can you believe it? Someone put hours of work into this.

I spotted this rack from across the street. Only cost $1.
Wait til you see what I do with it. . .

I am an avid reader and I'm cheap. Yard sales are the perfect place for me to find books. At a quarter apiece, I can't beat this deal!

A life preserver- kind of a crazy thing to buy secondhand. . .unless you find one that has never been used for a dollar!
My father-in-law got a new boat and is giving his old fishing boat to my hubby and boys. My boys are still young enough that they are required to wear one while on board.
Now if I could only find another one for this price. . . .
Not too bad of a haul, huh?
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

He who walks with integrity walks securely.
Proverbs 10:9
     This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl, Cap Creations, Liz Marie, and At the Picket Fence.

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