Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Layout of the Week #35- Using Journaling Stamps

     I don't know about any of you, but I cannot resist a cute set of stamps. I have a basket full of them on a shelf. Many of them are journaling stamps. I always think that a cute journaling stamp may help me come up with something to say on my layout (hasn't yet, but I'm still hoping!).
     If you have a set, get it out and give this layout a try.

You can create a layout similar to this using your own pattern paper and embellishments. Just follow these easy steps.

To create this layout, you'll need:
one piece of cardstock for the background
one piece of pattern paper measuring 5" x 12"
one strip of pattern paper measuring 1/2" x 12"
journaling stamp(s)
letter stickers for the title

First place the paper measuring 5" x 12" along the bottom edge of the cardstock.

Next place the strip measuring 1/2" x 12" along the top of the pattern paper.

Now place 2-3 photos in a column about 1" from the left edge of the cardstock.

Use your journaling stamp to stamp along the right edge of the photos. You can use the same stamp for this or alternate with 2 or 3 different ones.

Now add your title at the bottom right corner.

Add your journaling on the stamped lines. Feel free to add a few embellishments.
Ta-da! We're done!

Here is another example where I used circular journaling stamps around the paper which I then highlighted with some paint. I also used a square and rectangle stamp in the lower right corner for more journaling.

     For my Layout of the Week series, I try to come up with simple layouts using directions that are easy to follow. I usually post a tutorial every Wednesday. If you have gotten into a scrapbooking slump or simply just fallen behind, try my tutorial. You could complete one page a week!

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
This post is linked to Happy Hour Projects, Todays Creative Blog, Craft-O-Maniac,  and 52 Mantles.

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