Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #41

     I found another community wide garage sale going on last weekend. I got some good stuff, but I have to say that I probably won't go to this area again simply because it was far enough away that it may not have been worth the gas. My hubby came with me (I love that he loves going to yard sales with me!), and we stopped at a few local sales before heading to the community wide sale. By the time we got there, we only went to about three or four houses before it was time to head home.

I got this pitcher at a sale in our neighborhood. It was so pretty and only $1- I couldn't pass it up.
My mother-in-law had a beautiful collection of pitchers. I may start my own collection in memory
of her.

I got this Pyrex bowl at the same sale. You can't tell it in the photo, but it's really large. I have a hard time passing up mixing bowls- especially when they're only $1.
The lady selling it was moving and told me that her daughters were only letting her bring some of her stuff to her new house (I got the impression that she was a pack rat). Anyway, she kept going on and on about this bowl, so I told her she could have it back. She declined.
Her loss- my gain.:)

The community wide sale was in a very nice, new, ritzy subdivision. I was delighted when I stumbled across a boxful of old books.
I absolutely fell in love with the Spelling Dictionary on the left. It may be too small to turn into a journal- that probably won't stop me from trying, though. . .

This is a crazy pamphlet from 1952 that gives highway accident data. The seller had several, but I only bought one.

It's full of silly graphics of accidents. Somehow, I don't think a pamphlet with such light-hearted photos of accidents would be printed today.

This American Red Cross book, from the fifties, doesn't have a cover and was only a quarter.
When I get books in poor shape, I don't feel so bad cutting them up!

This is the first page- what beautiful graphics!

At one sale, there was a boxful of doilies- all with amazing handiwork. Look at the details on this set- can you believe I got them both for a quarter?
I am collecting handmade doilies in all colors for an upcoming project. Only spent fifty cents on both of these.

I found this old hankie with amazing needlework along the edges. Don't know what I'll do with it. Perhaps get a few more and turn them into a cute pair of kitchen curtains?

My final purchase was this heavy duty stapler for a quarter. I've been working on a couple of bulletin boards at church and this fella will come in handy!
I spent less than $5 while we were out and about. My hubby spent $10 for one of those contraptions that tosses clay pigeons in the air. It was practically new. It's these sort of deals that keep him interested in coming with me.
I hope you all find some good sales this week. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 'I am the light of the world. 
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'
John 8:12

1 comment:

  1. I really like old industrial heavy office stuff - the old school stapler is great!
