Friday, November 2, 2012

Foreign Coin Magnets

       I have a bunch of foreign coins that I've collected that are just sitting in a jar. I hardly get them out, so I thought it would be fun to use them in a project so I can see them more often.

     Hence, the foreign coin magnet idea was born!

What do you think? Pretty unique, huh?

If you have coins that are collecting dust and you'd like to make yourself some of these magnets,
it's really easy.
All you need is
coins (foreign or domestic)
round magnets (that are smaller than your coins)
E-6000 glue
Just glue the magnets to the back of the coins. Let them dry for about 24 hours.
Then you're good to go!
Here is a close up view of these. The one on the top left is an unknown coin, the next one is 1 Italian Lire, the top right one is 20 British Pence, the bottom left is 1 Chinese Yuan, and the bottom right is a Swiss coin (the next photo shows these bottom two better).
The middle left and right coins are from Spain (don'tcha love the holes in the center?), the middle center one is unknown, the bottom left is a French coin, and the bottom right is an Italian coin.
Europe has gone to Euros, so it's kinda cool that we have all these older coins.
If you like this idea, come back next Friday for another project using foreign coins.
     We have so many foreign coins because a long time ago, my hubby and I lived in Germany. We met there when we were both in the Army. We were so blessed to have met so young and while we were overseas. We did so much travelling throughout Europe. These are great memories,but treasured even more since we were able to travel together to all these places.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
 I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
Psalms 32:8
This post is linked to At the Picket Fence, Embracing Change, and Happy Hour Projects.


  1. Cool idea. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a Beautiful weekend.

  2. Cool idea for the fridge!
    Thanks for linking up this week to the party - hope to see you this week as well!
    Stacey of Embracing Change
