Monday, November 5, 2012


     Over the weekend I got out my glue gun, a yardstick, and my bin of corks
(I'm not teasing- I actually have two. No, I'm not a drinker, I'm a yard sale-er).
     I've seen strips of corks on Pinterest- at first I thought, for Heaven's sake, what on earth would you do with such a skinny corkboard? Then one day I looked at the edge of  a short wall in my kitchen and thought, You know what that needs? A skinny corkboard that I could fill with photos!

I got both my bins of corks at one estate sale and I guess the occupants were very fond of this one type because nearly all the corks are the same. It gave my strip a very unified look, although a bunch of different corks would be cute, too.
 If you have a skinny wall or even a narrow space that needs a little something, you may want to make one of these. All it takes is enough corks to cover a yardstick. A glue gun worked just fine to attach them. The most difficult part of the project is attaching a hanger to the back. My hubby just attached a hanger with a screw.
Here it is in all of its three feet of glory.

     This would be a great way to display your kids' school papers or hand drawn photos. It would also make a nice grandparent or teacher gift.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory.
Proverbs 28:12

This post is linked to Craft-O-Maniac, Between Naps on the Porch, and Brassy Apple.

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