Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Layout of the Week #37- Using a Q&A Quiz for Journaling

     This theme for this week's Layout of the Week is using a Q & A quiz for journaling. This layout only took me about 15 minutes to do- I hope you can whip it up as quickly! The main reason I was able to finish it so quickly was because I didn't have to write the journaling; instead, I printed up a quiz and had my sister fill it out.

Here's the layout we'll be creating.

I got the quiz from this book, which is an oldie but a goodie. I have used this book so many times over the years for both layouts and mini albums. I just type up one of these quizzes and give it to a family member to fill out. Then all I have to do is scrapbook it!
Here is the quiz I used for today's layout:
Four jobs I have had in my life
Four movies I could watch over and over
Four places I have lived
Four TV shows I love to watch
Four places I have been on vacation
Four of my favorite foods
Four people who have made a difference in my life
Four things I'd like to learn to do

To make this very simple layout, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x12" cardstock
one piece of 12"x12" pattern paper
one piece of pattern paper measuring 5"x8 1/4"
one piece of pattern paper measuring 1 1/2"x 6 1/4"
the above quiz printed onto a piece of cardstock measuring 6" x 9 1/4"
one vertical 4"x6" photo
letter stickers for the title
a few embellishments
paper trimmer

To start, trim 1/2" off the right and bottom sides of the 12" x 12" piece of pattern paper and center it on the cardstock. Ink the edges if you'd like.

Place the journaling quiz about 1/2" from the right edge of the cardstock centered between the top and bottom.

Adhere the pattern paper measuring 5" x 8 1/4" about 1/2" from the left edge of the cardstock. it should be almost even with the top of the journaling paper.

Now take the pattern paper measuring 1 1/2"x 6 1/4" and adhere it behind the left side of the photo (mine is orange- see it?). Then adhere the photo about 1 1/4" from the bottom edge of the cardstock.

Now place your title along the bottom edge of the pattern paper. Part of mine overlaps the photo as well.

Finally, add an embellishment to the top right corner of the journaling paper. I used a ticket and a flower with a brad as the center.
And you're done! See what I mean about simple?
It's so nice to have the journaling already done by somebody else. Plus it's a fun to share somebody's personality and it showcases their handwriting!
      For my Layout of the Week series, I try to come up with simple layouts using directions that are easy to follow. I usually post a tutorial every Wednesday. If you have gotten into a scrapbooking slump or simply just fallen behind, try my tutorial. You could complete one page a week! 
     If there is a theme you would like to see covered, please let me know! Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
     This post is linked to 52 Mantles and Too Much Time On My Hands.

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