Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thrifty Thursday #46

     I stopped into the thrift store on a good day this week- they were having a book sale: 2 books for $.25! I so love it when I catch a book sale! Let me show you what all I got. . .

Dictionary pages often come in handy for crafting. I picked up two of these bad boys. Hate to pass them up at this price.

I also love using pages from hymnals on different projects.

I picked up some books for myself and my boys to read. Only paid seventy-five cents for these six books. What a bargain! I can't afford not to read at this price:)
 You can keep your Kindle; I'll stick with my thrift store books:)
I am a nut for maps and atlases. When I saw this one I gasped. The outside isn't too special,

but look at the inside! These maps are beautiful enough for framing!
And to think this guy only cost twelve and a half cents!

Got this heavy duty large glass platter for decorating the Christmas banquet at church. I'm not on the decorating crew this time, but I thought those who are could use this for something.

Got these two jars for the banquet, too. Only a quarter apiece. They don't have lids, but they'll make good candle holders or something.

I now have a second dinner plate to add to my set. I've mentioned before that I would love a set of mismatched glass dinner plates. I have a hard time finding them this size. This one was marked down to fifty cents!

This bowl was only a quarter. It now will be a cereal bowl at our house.

These crocheted doilies are only as big around as my palm, but I know just what I'm going to do with them. . .stay tuned!
They were only a quarter each.

Another item I never pass up is unopened, inexpensive bias tape. This will look pretty wrapped around a Christmas gift.

These quirky post cards were only a quarter, but I loved the old fashioned drawings.
That's it- I left the store with a box full of stuff and a big smile after paying only $5.17. Thanks for looking!
Hope you get to enjoy a little thrifting this week! Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God;
and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7
     This post is linked to My Repurposed Life.

1 comment:

  1. wow! that is such an awesome haul especially the books so cheap!
