Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #51

     Man, do I love going to yard sales and thrift stores. I remember going to yard sales with my Nana when I was little. She'd haggle over prices and be so pleased with her purchases. One time she actually talked a lady down from $.25 to $.10 for a sweater. I do believe I got my thrifty (cheap?) gene from her.
     If she were still around, I think she would get a kick out of this weekly adventure of mine.
     Here's what I got while I was out and about. . .

I found this dinner plate for $1. I loooovvveee the print on it!
A few weeks ago, I found a couple of saucers that had this print along the outside and they look like they may have come from the same set.
With the flower print on the inside, I just think this one is so beautiful!

Found another dinner plate for $1. I now have seven in my set.
Last summer I stayed at a bed and breakfast, and the owners served our meals on mismatched dinner plates. I thought it was so charming! As I sat there at their dining table, I decided that I needed a mismatched set of china of my own. So, if you come over to my house for dinner, take a look at your plate. Then look at your neighbor's plate. Then think to yourself how long it took me to find that many different dinner plates!

I found this wire basket for $2. I've been needing a smallish wire basket like this. Why, you ask? Well, to be honest, I picked up an old croquet set out of my neighbor's trash, and I needed a basket this size in which to place the balls. It looks cute, cute, cute, I tell you. I'll have to do a blog post and show you what I do with all this junk stuff that I buy.
I found this unopened pack of scrapbook embellishments. It is girl-y and I only have boys, but I'm working on a baby girl scrapbook for a friend and I thought these would work nicely for that project.
I'm glad you stopped by to see what kind of secondhand scores I picked up this week. Good luck with your thrifty outings this week. Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
For everyone who asks, receives,
and he who seeks finds,
and to him who knocks, it will be opened.
Matthew 7:8
This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl and Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. your grandma sounds like she was my kind of lady! I would love to see pics of how you use your stuff!

  2. Great plates! I think it is a great idea to have mis-matched plates!
