Friday, February 22, 2013

Scrabble Word Decor

     I often find old Scrabble games while I'm thrifting, and they're never more than a dollar, so I always pick them up. Needless to say, I now have several sets of Scrabble tiles.
     If you happen to have an old Scrabble board game, take a look at this cute and easy project. If you don't have one, take a look anyway. It may make you want to find one!

I spelled out a word, glued it to the letter holder, and placed it on a shelf.
These days, you can't find home decor any cheaper than this:)

You can spell out any word that you'd like.

All you need to make this is:
Scrabble tiles
Scrabble tile holder
E-6000 glue
I even made a set for a friend who is getting married.
I didn't know when I made these, but Scrabble happens to be their favorite game!

You could make these as gifts- think how cute "Teach" would be for a teacher!
They would also be cute for any type of shower- baby, wedding, housewarming. . .
If you're wondering what I did with the boards that came with the games, go here to see.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the path of righteousness
for His name's sake.
Psalm 23:3


  1. i always pick them up because i am gonna make christmas ornaments with them and they are cheaper at the thrift store then they are on ebay.

  2. I love scrabble, so of course I love the tiles and racks. I use them frequently in my projects too!

  3. I grew up around Scrabble – my mom would play it when she got around friends and family, and they let me play every so often
