Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #56

     Lately, I've been fitting a thrift store run into my weekly grocery shopping trip. Not because the thrift stores are near where I grocery shop, because they really aren't. Just because when I have a little time out and about, I take advantage of it and try to do a little something fun.
     I got a few goodies on this week's run. . .

I found this darling Pyrex mixing bowl that was marked $2. I thought that was a little high as it was a small bowl, so I asked the gentleman working the cash register if I could give him $1 for it. He thought long and hard, then agreed. Score! 
I have a friend who asked me to be on the lookout for glass mixing bowls for her. I love to have a mission when I'm secondhand shopping, so I gladly agreed to keep an eye out for these.

This cute little cup and saucer was only fifty cents. I have another friend who has me watching for teacups for her. It's so nice to be able to pick up cute things that I don't have to find a place for when I get home!

I don't usually buy clothes secondhand, but I spotted this summer dress that looks brand new for only $3 and couldn't pass it up. I love the style, and I love the color. Even if I just wear it around the house, it was indeed a bargain.

I got this set of four records for $1. When I see a good deal on records, I am always tempted to buy them. If you're wondering why, take a look here and here and you'll see some projects in which I've used vinyl records.
I hope you all have good luck in your thrift store shopping and yard sale-ing this week!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Show me your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Psalm 25:4


  1. I'm your newest follower - I came by way of The Cottage Market. I am always on the lookout for great records too, although I need to play them more often than I do..

  2. That summer dress is amazing!

  3. Fabulous! Thanks for are one of the features today : ) hugs...
