Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Layout of the Week #43- Scrapbooking Using Magazines

     For the last two Layouts of the Week, I've used stuff that I've received in the mail (you can see here and here). Today I'm going to clip bits and pieces out of a magazine to use on my layout. This is not archivally safe, but feel free tp spray it with Archival Mist. I figure it will be all right in my scrapbooks for many years, so I'm okay with it. I enjoy incorporating out of the ordinary items onto my layouts.

     Here's the layout we're going to create. 
The letters in the title and the word strips in the upper right hand corner came out of a magazine.

You'll need:
one piece of 12" x 12" paper for the background
one piece of 12"x12" coordinating cardstock
two strips of pattern paper measuring 1/2" x 12" and 1"x 12"
magazine for cutting up
paper trimmer
pen for journaling
Trim the cardstock into one strip measuring 5" x 8 1/4" and one 5" square.
Take the square and cut it in half so you have two triangles. We'll only use one triangle.

Center the strip vertically in the center of the paper along the bottom edge. Then adhere the triangle on top of it so you have a really big arrow (or a tall skinny house!).

Place your photos below the triangle. You can use three 4"x6" photos or trim them down like I did to fit more.
My photos weren't zoomed in well, so I had a lot of excess to trim.

Now place your two strips of pattern paper below the photos- first place your 1/2"x 12", then your 1"x12"strip.

Go through the magazines and cut out letters to make your title. If you don't like the idea of using scraps from a magazine, you could use regular letter stickers for this.
Adhere them along the bottom strip of pattern paper.

Now write your journaling along the point of the arrow.
I added a couple of word strips to the right hand corner- these were words that I cut out of the magazines that I thought went with my layout.
     I decided to use a large arrow because my layout is about a jumping on a trampoline. You could also use it for other themes like growing up, bringing grades up, or use it for a family themed layout and use the arrow as a tall, skinny house!
     I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. I do a Layout of the Week every Wednesday. Feel free to stop by and give it a whirl! I intend for the layout to be simple and easy to follow. I also encourage you to use supplies you all ready have rather than having to go out and buy something new. If I'm using an item you don't have, replace it with something else. I intend for my tutorials to be generic enough that you can use them for any topic or theme. I'm hoping this feature helps you to get some of your photos scrapbooked and to use up supplies that you have.
If there is some topic that I haven't covered that you'd like to see, please leave me a comment letting me know. If I'm not explaining it well enough, please let me know.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

The Lord lives!
Blessed be my Rock!
Let the God of my salvation be exalted.
Psalm 18:46

This post is linked to Shabby Creek Cottage.

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