Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #54

     I went to an estate sale that was in our neighborhood. It was a three day sale and I went on the second day, so everything was 25% off the marked price.
     Estate sales are so fun because you get to walk through the entire house- kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms,the backyard, and even the garage. Although, they're also a little bittersweet because somebody's life is laid out before you- all with price tags.

     I got this set of three vintage handkerchiefs for $2.25.

Aren't they pretty?

I've seen lots of cute projects using old hankies. Once I get enough of these, I'd like to sew them into a cute cafe curtain for my kitchen.
     I also picked up this set of gray pearls for $1.50. I'll use them to make bracelets.
     And I got this very old pattern for fifty cents. I cannot pass up one of these!

     Come back next Thursday to see what I picked up when I went back for the final day of the sale.

     I hope you all have good luck with your yard sale-ing adventures this week! Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them.
Mat. 18:20
This post is linked to Five Days Five Ways, Apron Thrift Girl, and Tatertots and Jello.


  1. I have a huge collection of hankies. They have such wonderful shapes and designs, nice treasures.

  2. WOW what great finds. Love it all!!
