Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #57

     Today's Thrifty Thursday would be better titled "Freebie Friday," because I didn't pay one cent for these items!

This is an old slide projector that a friend from church gave me. He has a job picking up dumpsters- except for the heavy labor, this would be a perfect job for me. I would love first crack at the stuff people are throwing away!  
I'm excited to have this because I've picked up two sets of slides while thrifting.
Now I can have a slide show!:)

How cool is this old record player? I haven't plugged it in yet to see if it works, but I'm hoping!
The same friend also gave it to me. He knows that I like old stuff and was happy to share these items with me, although he did mention that he hoped my hubby wouldn't be mad at him for adding to my collection.:)

Look at all these cabinet doors. . . aren't they lovely?
I found them laying at my next door neighbors curb.
They are in excellent shape and did not warrant being thrown away.
I didn't even wait for it to get dark before I brought these home. I made three trips to get all 21 of them.

Don't they look like frames? I'm thinking chalkboards, framed quotes. . . all sorts of things!
Be alert while you're driving in your neighborhood. You can find some amazing things while curb shopping!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
May He grant you according to your heart's desire,
and fulfill all your purpose.
Psalm 20:4
This post is linked to Junkin' Joe and Apron Thrift Girl.


  1. Those cabinet doors are awesome! I recently visited the Habitat for Humanity store here in Houston and purchased a door for a chalkboard/sign project for $3 !!!! Think of how much money you just saved! I can't wait to see what you make with them - you lucky dog!

  2. Oooh! Those doors are a fabulous find! Can't wait to see what you do with them!

  3. Lol about waiting til dark. My worst moment was when I was picking through a huge heap and the garbage truck pulled up. The garbage guys were totally snickering at me.

  4. SUCH great finds!! love the cupboard doors. So many possibilities with them :)

  5. I'm terrible...I slow down at practically anything sitting by the curb lol!! I would've pulled my car up and loaded these babies right on in. My husband is always humming the Sanford and son theme to me! Lucky find, girl:)
