Friday, March 1, 2013

Do You Smash?

     From the first time I saw a Smash album, I was in love! I love how every page is different and random and so cute. . . but as I flipped through all the different styles of books, I kept thinking, Hey, I can make one of these! Certainly not to the quality of K and Company, but almost as cute. I can't justify buying something that I can make. After all, I am very frugal and a DIY-er at heart.:)

You can go here to see what the inside pages of my book look like.

    (For those of you who don't know what a Smash album is, it's a premade mini scrapbook with lots of different pages where you can just add photos, notes, receipts, tickets. . . pretty much anything. It's really a cool idea.You can go here and see the K and Company Smash albums I'm talking about.)

     So anyway, I showed you awhile back my version of a Smash album- to avoid stepping on any toes, I call mine my Stash album. (get it?- it's a place to stash my stuff:)

     Here's a quick update to show you a few of the pages that I've completed.

Here are two pics of my boys being silly along with little stories about them. I used some washi tape and a couple of stickers.
What makes this so easy is that I already had the book prepared with pages and embellishments. All I have to do is just add photos and any extras that I feel like.

The photo on the left is a goofy photo of my hubby- not one that I would scrapbook. But the picture makes me laugh, so this is the perfect place to put it!

The photo on the right is adhered to a page made from a paper sack. I put a note behind the photo in a pocket.

I find this style of scrapbooking very freeing. I can scrap photos that have nothing to do with one another. I get to write down cute little stories. Each page is it's own unique story.

     If you've never Smashed before, you should give it a try. Either buy a pre-made book or make your own. I think you'll find it quite smashing!

     I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training
in righteousness, so that the man of God may be
thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

This post is linked to My Girlish Whims, Shabby Creek Cottage, Embracing Change,

1 comment:

  1. I did a post a few weeks ago with the same title!! I just discovered Smashing - and I'm addicted!! I just bought the International one and started with last weeks vacation in Florida - I love organizing all the memories in there!!
