Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #59

     Happy Thursday Everybody! I'm here with my weekly thrifty haul. I just love swinging into my local thrift stores to see what I can find. . .

I got this darling Mikasa platter for $1. It's about 14 inches across and is in great shape.
A good friend asked me to keep an eye out for platters for her and I do love being able to pick things up for friends. I otherwise wouldn't have gotten this because I already have several platters and really don't need another.

This book will make a beautiful cover for a baby girl album.
You can see one similar to it in this post.

I have seen lots of projects of stamped silverware. When I saw the price of these spoons, I thought they'd be the perfect spoons on which to practice my mad metal stamping skills.
I got this entire bag of lace for a quarter. Over the years, I have found a lot of lace at thrift stores. If you are a crafter who uses lace a lot, it would be worth the time checking out a thrift store every so often. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised! You surely can't beat these prices!

These baseballs were only a quarter apiece- I have a friend who has two sons who play baseball. I figured these would be good for practicing.
When you pay this price, it's ok if you can't find the ball in the outfield!
Thanks for coming by to check out this week's treasures. Hope you get some good stuff this weekend! Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock!
Let the God of my salvation be exalted.
Psalm 18:46
This post is linked to Embracing Change


  1. You're so right, there really are deals of many kinds at the thrifts!

  2. Those are great finds!!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  3. I have been reading your blog for awhile now and am an avid thriftier and scrapbooker.
    I now find myself looking at book covers and for old vintage patterns which kinda makes me laugh because I have no idea how to make one of those books BUT I plan to try it because you make them look so fun with your decorative elements.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity!
