Friday, April 12, 2013

No Key Needed

     I love products by Tim Holtz. . .whether it's scrapbook paper, tiny faucet knobs or beautiful vintage style buttons. I just love standing in the aisle looking at all his pretties. He and I have such similar tastes, I really think we could be friends:)

     Today I used one of his products to make a necklace.

I had a pack of his keyholes and thought they'd make a darling pendant.

I added a dangly bead and attached it to a chain.

It was really quite simple.

     My hubby knows when gift giving time comes around that he can't go wrong with getting me anything by Tim Holtz.

     I've actually had the pleasure of meeting Tim in real life. My friend was signed up to take a class taught by him. She had just had foot surgery and was getting around on crutches. Naturally, she couldn't very well carry around her scrapbook tote on crutches. So I took her bag in for her, then hung around in the back of the class. When Tim started teaching, he thought I was one of the assigned helpers and had me start handing out stuff. I wasn't about to correct him, so I just did as he instructed and pretended I belonged! My friend and I sure chuckled about it afterwards!
     Thank you for stopping by and God bless.

He has put a new song in my mouth-
 Praise to our God
Psalm 40:3

This post is linked to Happy Hour Projects, My Repurposed Life, Five Days Five Ways, Between Naps on the Porch, and Tatertots and Jello.

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