Friday, June 14, 2013

"Create" A Bracelet

     I was shopping at a gift store with my friends, and I saw the most beautiful bracelet. It was a beaded bracelet with a silver word plate. It was $40 though, so I didn't get it.
     I am a frugal girl who sees something cute, then says, "I can make that." And that's just what I did with this bracelet.

I first found the vintage looking charms at Hobby Lobby. They are a part of the Timeline line of jewelry, and they were half off.
Then about a week later while walking around Michael's, I saw this silver plate with the word "Create." When I paid for it, it turns out that it was on clearance for $1.99!
I got home and pulled out a toggle clasp, some jump rings, and these dangly pearls (that I had bought at a thrift store).

These are the items that I used to make this:
"Create" connector by Bead Landing
vintage style charm bracelet by Timeline
four jump rings
one toggle clasp
one dangly pearl
I used a jump ring to connect one side of the charm bracelet to the Create connector. Then I measured it on my wrist to see how many charms would need to come off- keeping in mind that I needed to allow room for the toggle clasp, too. It turns out that I only needed six of the eleven charms.
I connected the end of the strand of charms to the other side of the Create connector and also added the dangly pearl to the jump ring.
Then I opened the ring in the center of the charms to add a toggle clasp.
It was one of the easiest bracelets I've made. And for right now, it's my new favorite!
This bracelet cost me less than six dollars for the supplies- and I even have several of the vintage charms left over. Not too shabby compared to the price of the $40 inspiration piece!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.
John 15:13

This post is linked to Happy Go Lucky, Happy Hour Projects, Five Days Five Ways, My Repurposed Life, I Heart Naptime, and Tater Tots and Jello.

1 comment:

  1. pretty bracelet! thanks for sharing at catch as catch can!
