Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #72

     Last week, my hubby and kids decided to come with me running errands- to thrift stores and grocery shopping! Hard to believe, I know.  
     We stopped a t a thrift store I've only been to once before. It's close to where we live, but the first time I went, I wasn't impressed with the selection or the prices. I decided to give it another chance.
I found these two packs of metal bobbins. They were $1.50 per pack.

There was a whole rack of brand new beading items.
I got these two packs of eye pins for a quarter each.
I decided that I may not have given that thrift store a fair shake. I may have to add it to my weekly rounds. 
Then on Saturday morning, I gave my neighbor a ride to a doctor's appointment. While she was there, I took advantage of the time and went to a couple of yard sales in a neighborhood I've never been to. It was definitely worth it because I found. . .

this printer's tray!
Isn't it beautiful? I only paid $3 for it!!
Oh, how I love it.
I also found this metal magazine holder for a dollar. I love how has a locker look to it (someday I hope to find a real locker to bring home:).
 I think I'll hang this in my younger son's room for magazines.
Now that summer is here, I have switched my work day from Friday to Monday. . . guess what that means? I get to go to Friday yard sales! So looking forward to that!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things!
Psalm 72:18


  1. AWESOME finds!!! I love thrift store shopping myself!

  2. Such fabulous finds! The printers tray is amazing! TFS...hugs...
