Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Layout of the Week #57- Using Aluminun Foil in a Layout

     You probably read this title and thought, "What?! Aluminum foil?" That's right, Folks. It's not just for your leftovers anymore:)
     Since Father's Day is around the corner, I did a layout about my dad.

Here's the layout we'll be creating. Because you'll be using your own papers, yours won't be exactly like it, but it will have the same look.

To create it, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x12" pattern paper
one strip of pattern paper measuring 1" x 12"
one strip of pattern paper measuring 5 1/2"x 3/4"
one piece of paper for journaling- measuring 4 1/2"x 7 1/2" (I used a piece of ledger paper)
one piece of aluminum foil measuring 6 1/2"x 7 1/2"
one border strip (that we'll be cutting into two parts)
one 5"x7" photo
letter stickers for the title
paper trimmer
First, adhere the 1"x 12" strip along the bottom edge of the pattern paper.

Then adhere you journaling paper along the strip at the bottom about  1/2" from the right edge.
Leave about 1" on the bottom of your paper blank which is where we'll be placing our title.
I printed my journaling out on the computer. I didn't write much, so there was some space at the top of the ledger paper. I'll cover it up later.
My journaling reads,
I remember Dad trying to teach me to drive stick in his little blue Toyota Corolla. I didn't do well.
I remember Dad and Mom surprising me with my own saxophone so I could be in band. I was thrilled.
I remember Dad reading the Sunday classified ads telling me that I should be a nurse. I was skeptical.
I remember Dad being so proud of me when I joined the Army. I loved making him proud.
I remember going on a helicopter ride with Dad above Sugar Land. I was nervous and excited.
I remember going with Dad and Mom to Six Flags in San Antonio before I left for the Army. We had a delightful time.
I am indeed blessed to call him dad

Now place your strip of pattern paper measuring 5 1/2" x 3/4" vertically along the journaling paper. Half it's length should extend up past the journaling paper. 

Now we'll be working with the aluminun foil. Tear the bottom edge off your aluminum foil on the shorter side. We don't want to shorten the side measuring 7 1/2" because that is going to line up with our journaling paper.
 Then adhere it overlapping your journaling paper. It should be about 1" from the top of the pattern paper (in this photo, mine isn't 1" from the top, but I fixed it as you'll see in the next photo.)

Trim your photo to 6 1/2" x 5 " and adhere it to the aluminum foil. There should be more foil showing at the bottom of the photo.
Adhere your title at the bottom of the journaling square. Depending on how much you wrote, you may need to overlap the strip at the bottom of  the page.

Now take your decorative border strip and cut off a piece that measures 6 1/2" and place it at the bottom of your photo.
Place the rest of it vertically along the top left corner of the paper. I cut mine into pieces, but you can leave it whole if you like.
And we're done! The aluminum foil worked just like a piece of pattern paper. It was pretty easy to use, huh? It would also look great cut into stars to use on the background of a page. Open your minds and I think you could come up with quite a few ways to use it on a layout.:)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
His name shall endure forever;
His name shall continue as long as the sun.
And men shall be blessed in Him;
All nations shall call Him blessed.
Psalm 72:17
This post is linked to Shabby Creek Cottage52 Mantles, and Embracing Change

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