Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Layout of the Week #58- Using Your Child's Artwork in a Layout

     For the Layout of the Week, I'm going to feature a piece of my son's artwork. I know it's hard to save all of the drawings that my kids make, but there are some pieces that are just too cute to throw away.
     The piece I'm using is a list my son made several years ago titled, "Bugs I Like" and there's a list of ten bugs that apparently were ok with him at the time. What's funny is not all of them are bugs- he included frogs, worms, and lizards on the list. The pink rectangle is a Post-It note he added that says, "Bugs rock!" But I'd have to say that the best part is the dark spot at the bottom of the page- it's a real squashed bug with a note that says, "He was a good bug." :)

Here's the layout we're going to create. Yours will look similar, but not exactly like this because you'll be using supplies that you have on hand.

To make it, you'll need:
one piece of pattern paper measuring 6" x 12"
one piece of pattern paper measuring 7 1/2" x 10 1/2"
one piece of cardstock measuring 12" x 12"
decorative tape
letter stickers for the title
journaling card (I'm using a mailing label)
one vertical 4"x6" photo
child's artwork or note
optional: coordinating embellishments- I used word stickers and a ticket

Place the pattern paper measuring 6" x 12" at the top of the cardstock.
Ink the edges if you'd like.

Using the decorative tape, make a square 1 1/2" from each side.
To do this, I just placed my ruler along the inside edge of the cardstock and placed my tape along its' edge. (Rulers are typically 1 1/2" wide.)

Then I trimmed off the decorative tape where the edges met.
If you don't have decorative tape, you can use strips of cardstock or masking tape.

You should end up with a square like this. It doesn't have to be perfect because we'll be covering most of it up. 

Now take your pattern paper measuring 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" and adhere it to the center of the cardstock.

Place your artwork on the right side and your photo on the left side.
My artwork measures 7 1/4" x 6 1/4 ". It's hard to see because my son used lighter color pencils on it.

Add your journaling square below the photo. I placed my letter stickers right on his page under his words, "Bugs I. . ."
If you'd prefer, you can place yours overlapping the bottom of the artwork.
optional: I placed half a ticket on the upper left corner of the photo. I also used three word stickers on the upper left corner and bottom right corner of the cardstock.
And we're done!!

     This layout would also work for a child's drawing, handwritten Christmas list, or even a workbook page from school.

   Have more than one piece of your child's artwork that you want to feature? Go here to see how to make an album to store them.

     Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.
John 6:51

This post is linked to Ivy and Elephants, Too Much Time on My Hands, and Today's Creative Blog.

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