Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #73

     My, oh my, do I have a big haul to show you this week! It was a good day to stop into the thrift store!

I found this contraption and fell in love- it's a necklace hanger mounted to a china plate.
I've been wanting to make one of these, but I don't know how to drill through glass. This fella was only fifty cents!

I love quirky notepads.
They make cute pages for mini albums or great cards for journaling on scrapbook pages. Even though this pad was half gone, what was left was in good shape. It was worth the quarter:)

This plant hanger was only a quarter, too. I got it for my brother who loves plants. He has enough that he could open a nursery! He just keeps buying them and buying them. It takes him two hours to water them all. I told him that sounds more like work than a hobby!

Look at this darling pattern. How cute is it?
All patterns were only a quarter, so I picked up several. . .

like this one for doll dresses. Too cute!

 I thought this one for choir gowns was pretty unique.  

I've told you before that I never pass up embroidery hoops - especially at a quarter apiece. You just never know when one will come in handy, so I try to keep some on hand.
There's a darling project I've been wanting to make with them. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it within the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned:)

I found this large beautiful China platter for a dollar.
I got it for my friend who's wanting some cute platters.

This set of metal plates was only fifty cents. I'm not for sure what I'm going to do with them, but I couldn't pass them up. I think they might make cute key rings.

There was a box of free stuff out in front of the thrift store. I got this double album set.
That's quite a load for a stop at one thrift store- and it didn't even cost me four dollars! I hope you have such bountiful luck with your secondhand shopping this week.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.  
Blessed are those who put their trust in Him.
Psalm 2:12
 This post is linked to Apron Thrift Girl.

1 comment:

  1. You found some great things! I always love a free box and usually find something : )
