Friday, July 26, 2013

Fabric Covered Vintage Suitcase

     Last week I showed you a vintage suitcase that I picked up for $2 at an estate sale. I got it even though one side had a mar in it because I had a project in mind for it.

I covered the bad side of it with fabric.
All it took was some fabric and Mod Podge.
I followed the tutorial that I found here.
Kinda cute, huh?
Now you can't see the missing chunk.
Come back on Monday and see how I took it one step farther. . . :)
Well, now that I've got this cute luggage, I think I'm due for a trip.
If you like this idea, go here and check out what else I've done with a vintage suitcase.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Psalm 46:1


  1. What a cool make-over! I've seen tons of these old suit cases at the thrift stores I could do this with!

  2. Great Idea! I hope it holds up. I stalked your website from Tatertots and Jello. Keep creating! Cindy @

  3. The gang at My Personal Accent thinks your post about the Fabric Covered Vintage Suitcase is WONDERFUL. We would like to invite you to party with us at our new Blog Strut Peacock Style Link Party to share your creative ideas. Come on over!!

  4. My son used to have an old suitcase like this. I wish he still did it would have been so much fun to decorate. Thanks for sharing at Throwback Thursday.

