Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Layout of the Week #64- Incorporating Packaging into Your Layout

     If you've read my blog for any length of time, I'm sure you've gathered that I am a trash-to-treasure kind of gal. From chairs to wood to paper, I'm quite a junker:)
     Today I'll show you how to incorporate trash packaging into a layout.

Here's the layout we'll be creating.
See the seed packets behind the photos?

To make it, you'll need:
one piece of 12"x12" cardstock
one piece of pattern paper measuring 5 1/2"x 8 1/2"
paper for journaling- I used ledger paper
stickers in the theme you'll be scrapbooking
product packaging-
I used seed packets. Lots of scrapbooking embellishments come in darling packages- you could use those, or a Cracker Jack box, or any other packaging that you find cute

Adhere the pattern paper measuring 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" to the bottom section of the cardstock.

Trim your packaging if needed. Adhere one or two pieces in the upper right corner.

Then adhere one or two more pieces in the upper left corner.
You basically want to have most of the top half of the cardstock covered.
My seed packets were pretty bright, so I sanded them to get a more subdued look.

Place a horizontal 4"x6" photo centered like this while allowing the packaging to peek out above it.
Optional: my seed packets are so busy that it was hard to see my photo, so I matted it on some darker paper. If you have the same problem, you'll want to do the same.

Now place two vertical photos at an angle on either side of the horizontal photo. They should overlap the packaging.

Now place a smaller photo in the center.

Place your title at the bottom slightly off center.
I used a pre-printed sticker for my title. It says "G is for grow" and was intended for a layout on growing up. I liked it for my garden layout, but it was a little girly, so I sanded over it.

Place your journaling card at the bottom of the left photo.
If you like, place a few stickers here and there- I placed one at the bottom of the journaling paper, at the top corner of the center photo, and in the upper left hand of the layout.

We're done- we literally turned pieces of trash into a beautiful background. What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvelous things
Psalm 98:1


  1. Very clever and meaningful! You definitely thought outside the box on this project.

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  2. How creative! I'll have to start looking at everything with fresh eyes! Thanks so much for sharing.
