Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Recipe of the Week #81- Rolo Stuffed Cookies

Rolo Stuffed Cookies
1 pkg. Rolos
1 box Devil's Food cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 c. oil

Mix cake mix, oil, and eggs thoroughly. Take a small ball of dough and form a ball around the Rolo. Use just enough dough to cover the Rolo.
Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 7-8 minutes. Yields about 3 dozen.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired. I rolled mine in sugar before baking.

These are simply delicious! Chocolate cookies with caramel centers. . . need I say more?

I found this recipe here.

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious,
longsuffering, and abundant in mercy and truth.
Psalm 86:15

This post is linked to Making the World CuterBe Different Act Normal, Cheerios and Lattes, and My Girlish Whims.

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