Monday, August 26, 2013

Mini Album Monday #11- An Album Made Out of Page Protectors

     Not all mini albums have to be traditional albums with hard covers. If you've taken a look at any of the posts where I've shown you albums that I've made, you may have noticed that mine tend to be far from traditional.  I love a challenge of using something unusual to create a book.

Today's featured album was put together using only five pieces of double sided 4"x4" pattern paper and five 4"x4" page protectors.
Because the paper was double sided, I was able to use both sides.
The first page was my title page.
I named the album "Grand Memories" because it's an album about my Nana.

On the back of the title page, I adhered some journaling for my dedication page.
(I usually try to include some sort of description as to why I made an album.)
Once that page was done, I just slid it into the page protector.
The page on the right has pictures of my Nana. I cropped them, so I was able to fit three.
On each page with photos, I added one thin strip of pattern paper for a little color.

Each layout, I alternated the order of the photos and journaling.
On every page, I left a half inch border.
My journaling here is a long list of random memories I have of Nana.

All I used for embellishments is a small flower on each page.
The journaling here is labeled, "I remember. . ."

I used a larger photo on this page, so there was only room for one.
The journaling here is "More Stories."

 This is the back cover.
I used two strips of pattern paper to cover the edges of the page protectors, then I bound this album with two large brads.
Most packs of page protectors come in packs of ten, so you actually could make two albums from one pack. Not too shabby if you ask me!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God
in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
1 Cor. 6:20

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