Friday, August 23, 2013

Teacher Gift Idea: Clothespin Photo Holder

Since school is about to start, I thought I'd make a quick teacher gift.

It's a large clothespin that can be used as a note holder or as a photo display.
This gift literally took me less than 20 minutes to make.
I covered the back of the clothespin with the same paper.
That way it looks pretty from either side- especially if it will be sitting on a teacher's desk!

If you want to make one, you'll need:
a large clothespin (you can find one here- I've also seen them at Hobby Lobby)
a strip of pattern paper
Mod Podge
foam brush
small piece of ribbon

Measure and cut your paper so it will cover the front of the clothespin.
Using the Mod Podge and foam brush, apply Mod Podge to the back of the pattern paper and press it to the clothespin surface.  Make sure you get glue along all the edges of the paper.
If you don't have Mod Podge, you could use a glue stick for this part. Just make sure you are very thorough when applying the glue.

Repeat on the back of the clothespin.
Give it a few minutes to dry, then sand along all the edges. Sand away from the edge of the paper, not towards it- otherwise the paper will start to peel up.
The sanding gets rid of any paper that's hanging over the edge
and also gets your edges good and tight.
To finish it off, tie a ribbon somewhere along the bottom part of the clothespin.

How's that for a quick gift?
I hand stamped a note, but you could easily print one off from your computer or buy a card.
You know what would really finish it off? A gift card. :)
I also have two ideas for teacher themed necklaces: a dictionary definition one here and a tiny chalkboard one here.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.
Psalm 100:2

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your visit to my Pink Sat post. I know the new teacher will enjoy her gift. My daughter taught for 16 years and just became a vice principal. She always appreciated gifts from her students.
