Monday, August 19, 2013

Vintage Pattern Bracelet

     I love bangle bracelets. I love vintage patterns. Today I combined the two . . .

and covered a wooden bangle bracelet with vintage pattern pieces.
I recently found the bracelet on one of my thrift store runs and got it for a bargain. I have quite a collection of vintage patterns as I pick them up every time I find them cheap.

If you'd like to recover a bracelet, you just need:
 a bangle bracelet (you can buy wooden bangles here)
Mod Podge
a foam brush 
 old pattern pieces
scissors or paper trimmer
Trim the paper into strips. They should be 1/4" wide- any wider than that, and they're too wide to lay flat. Lengthwise, they need to be long enough to cover the front and fold down around the inside of the bracelet. I suggest you cut one and measure it by wrapping it around your bracelet. (There's not one set measurement as it depends on how wide your bracelet is.)
You'll want to cut quite a few strips. Then you can start to adhere them by using your foam brush to paint Mod Podge all along the back of the strips. Carefully flatten each strip against the bracelet making sure you wrap both sides of the strip around the inside of the bracelet.
I went around my bracelet one time with vertical strips. Once those dried, I took some more strips and placed them diagonally here and there so there was a lot of the pattern markings visible.
Allow these to fully air dry. Once dry, paint a coat of Mod Podge along the outside and inside of your bracelet to seal it.
There you have it- a one-of-a-kind bracelet.
What do you think? Would you wear one of these?
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge.
Proverbs 23:12


  1. My niece would like this, great idea.

  2. This is super cute! I never thought to make my own bangle but this is awesome!

    I would love for you to share this (and any other posts!) at my Life of the Party link up if you get a chance! Im going to poke around your blog a little more.
