Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #87

     This has been quite a week around here. For some reason, we've been extra busy. There's been no thrift store runs, no yard sales, and hardly any Sonic Happy Hour Diet Cokes! Crime in Italy!
     But I can't just leave you guys hanging on one of my favorite blog days of the week. . . Luckily, I happened across two treasures while out on our daily bike ride.

I spotted this chair sitting by the road all covered in dew.
I couldn't very well bring it home on my bike, though. When we finished our ride, I had my older son hop in the SUV and come with me to get it.
 I think it's got great potential. I plan to take off the old upholstery and the padding and replace it. It also has a leg that needs tightening. It should be a fun project.

Believe it or not, but this beauty was put out in between the time we finished our ride and the time we drove to get the chair. It was just across the street from the chair.
I was sure glad that I brought my son to help!
There is not a thing wrong with this unit! I hope to find a rustic table
or old chest of drawers that I can attach it to.
Just a quick post today as I'm making a break for it. . . thrift stores and Sonic, here I come!
I hope you all have a lovely day- good luck with your curb shopping!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
But God, who is rich in mercy,
because of His great love with which He loved us,
made us alive together with Christ
Eph. 2:4


  1. Nice! I only find particle board stuff on our curbs but I will keep looking! ♥

    (Here via the Cottage Market!)

  2. Neat finds ...
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures
