Wednesday, January 29, 2014

More Lovelies That I Love

I've started a new series where I feature cute paper crafting products.
So, every other Wednesday, alternating with the Layout of the Week, I'll show you cute stuff that you can buy online. 
I try to choose items that coordinate so they could easily be used in a project.
This week, I've chosen "love" themed items.

How much do you love this love themed paper from Elle's Studio?
I think it's fantastic.
I think it could be paired with this paper from DIY Boutique.
There are so many relationships you can feature with these papers: husband and wife, family, kids, grandparents, pets. . .
These label stickers from DIY Boutique could be used on so many different projects!
It would be nice to have these on hand to pull out when you need just one more thing on a project.

I am a HUGE fan of tickets of any kind- I am also a HUGE fan of anything by Jenni Bowlin Studio.
Here are some tickets by Jenni Bowlin. I am swooning.:)
I am a sucker for cute embellishments . . . and these certainly fall into that category.
They're adhesive badges by Crate Paper.
Any and all of these products would work beautifully with whatever
Valentine project that you may have planned.
I am not affiliated with any of these companies- I just like to share pretty stuff that I find.
If you enjoyed this virtual shopping trip, stop by every other Wednesday to see what else I've found.
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
Judge not, that you be not judged.
Mat. 7:1
 This post is linked to 52 Mantles, Too Much Time On My Hands, and  Ivy and Elephants.

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