Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #102

This week's trip to the thrift store didn't yield as many treasures as the last time I went
(see here and here),
but I'm pleased with what I found.

I got this small Pyrex mixing bowl for $5.
A good friend has me scouting for old mixing bowls.
I love when a friend asks me to keep an eye out for something while I'm thrifting. . . gives me an excuse to hit the thrift stores- and to spend somebody else's money:)

Do you know how excited I was when I spotted this tin covered trunk?
So stinkin' excited! Especially when I found out that it was ONLY THREE DOLLARS!!!
It's going to get painted and become my coffee table. We haven't had one for the last several months- I sold our old one and have been trying to find a replacement ever since.
Enter this soon to be trunk coffee table:)

Right after I saw the trunk, I found this awesome silver platter. It was $2. Normally I would probably have passed it up, but I justified this purchase thinking that it would look great on my new coffee table especially since my coffee table isn't going to cost much.
Happy Treasure Hunting! Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
My son, do not forget my law,
but let your heart keep my commands.
Pro. 3:1


  1. I cannot believe you got that trunk for $3. What a steal. Love it and thanks for linking up to Junk It Up!

  2. And I can't believe you got that trunk for $3...awesome find! I popped over and looked at your other recent finds~~~Do you know how long I've been looking for that many matching lace curtains~~~FOREVER. You made your momma happy!!!Also thanks for stopping by my blog, appreciate the visit. Best~~~Mickie
