Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #132

Mike, Mike, Mike. . . guess what day it is? (Imagine a talking camel)
It's Thrifty Thursday!
I got a few goodies on my quick run into the thrift store this week.
I found this small book My Holy Communion for $1.25. It's copyrighted in 1951.
It's a tiny storybook (it's only about 4" tall).
 My mom had been asking me to keep my eye out for one of these-
imagine my delight when I found it!

I never pass up doilies- especially for a dime!
Sometimes I tuck one of these in a mini album as a unique page
and sometimes I use one when wrapping a gift- these look darling glued onto kraft wrapping paper!

I couldn't pass up this 1944 Astronomy book for a dime.
It's going to become a junk journal.

I really love the charts in this book!

I got this package of Hallmark coasters with the cursive S- a set of 50 (minus a few) for a quarter.
They're part paper, part felt- something different. I think they're disposable.
Pretty cool. Our last name begins with S.
I also may figure out how to work these into a scrapbooking project. . .

Even though I got one of these last week, I went ahead and bought one more package of
player piano roll. They were marked down to fifty cents.
That's all for this week. Good luck to all of you with your secondhand shopping this weekend:)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
But the word of God grew and multiplied.
Acts 12:24
 This post is linked to Ivy and Elephants, Junkin' Joe, and My Girlish Whims.

1 comment:

  1. What fantastic finds! I just love vintage treasures like these.
