Friday, August 29, 2014

Have You Heard of 30 Days of Lists?

For quite sometime, I've wanted to try this challenge by
30 Days of Lists.
Finally, I'm going to do it.
Here's what it's all about (from their blog):
Not everyone can make a mini scrapbook every week or an art journal page every night.
30 Days of Lists is our encouragement and challenge to you that you CAN journal just something every day- even something as small as a list.
Every day through the month of September 2014 we will be posting a list prompt – anything from weekend goals to celebrity crushes. At the end of the 30 days you’ll have a collection of entries creating a small snapshot of your life right now.
Only 5-10 minutes per day are really needed. While you’re waiting for someone, or when you’re the passenger in the car. You can even download the list topics ahead of time to get a jump start!
That’s all.
Just write.

Sounds do-able, doesnt' it?
I'm super excited to finally try it.
What about you?
 You can go here to register.

I went to their blog and found some previous lists that they had posted.
I made a quick page to feature the list I chose: my to-do list.
Only took me 10 minutes and was lots of fun. Because it's so low key, I didn't feel any pressure to make it perfect or to spend too much time on it. Love it!

I'm not affiliated with this organization- I just like this idea :)
Come back on Monday and I'll show you the mini album that I'll be using for this project.
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Wait for the Lord, and He will save you.
Proverbs 20:22

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