Friday, September 26, 2014

Junk Banner

Earlier this year, while on my annual girls' trip,
we drove through Brenham, TX which is full of antique stores.
We stopped at a couple, and at one of them, I bought these awesome old letters for a sign.
I happened to pick up the letters j, u, n, k.
Since I love junk, I thought making a banner would be fitting.

I backed the letters with some vintage looking scrapbook paper.
Then my hubby drilled some holes through the corners.
I tied them to a piece of twine using strips of muslin.
Pretty cool, huh? Especially draped over an old door:)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Neh. 8:10
 This post is linked to My Repurposed Life, Funky Junk, and My Salvaged Treasures.


  1. New to you! Thankful to have found you!!!
    Thanks for sharing your style!!
    I live in the Great Pacific Northwest sooooo...just know that someone out here is appreciating you!

  2. Love your JUNK banner. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.
