Monday, September 29, 2014

Mini Album Monday #39- 30 Days of Lists Album part 1

I've really enjoyed the 30 Days of Lists challenge.
Earlier this month I showed you the blank mini album that I put together for this project.
Today I'm going to show you the first fifteen days of the challenge.
The cover is a game card from a Poker Bingo game that I got at the thrift store.

The second page is a flash card- also purchased at the thrift store.
On some of the pages, I wrote right on the page itself. On other pages I used cute journaling cards.

This page is three shipping tags taped together with decorative tape.
I got the tags at an estate sale.

The third page is just a playing card- as you guessed, I bought it secondhand too.

I covered the back of the playing card with some pattern paper.
The next page is just a page out of a thrift store book with a little bit of pattern paper at the bottom.
Are you seeing a trend with me using items I've bought secondhand?

I used a Guest Check as the journaling card on the page to the left.
I didn't use the backs of all the pages- just some of them.

The page on the right is one of my favorites- it's a page from a baseball coach planner.
Got that planner at a yard sale.

The page on the right is some ledger paper.
The card stapled to it is from an old deck of playing cards.

On each list, I stamped which day of the challenge it was.

I used some letter stickers and stamps, but mostly used hand writitng to keep this project simple.

The journaling card on the right is part of a time card.

The journaling card on the left is a bridge score sheet- bought at an estate sale!
This is only half of my book. Come back the Monday after next and I'll show you the rest of it.
So much of this album is paper products that I bought secondhand. Pretty cool, huh?
Nothing like a little trash to treasure!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

1 comment:

  1. You do such a nice job!

    Thanks for joining the Link Up this week!
