Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Check This Out!

In last week's Lovelies That I Love post,

The creator of this plaque, Misty, happened across this post and wanted to offer all my readers
 a 10% discount on anything in her store Misty Michelle Design.
Use the code THANKYOU2014

How fantastic is that?!?

Here's some more of her beautiful work:

I love this one.

Not only do I like her quotes, but I think the pictures she pairs with them with are awesome.
You can find this one here.

This one makes me smile.

There are just so many to choose from- you just have to stop by and take a look!
Thanks so much, Misty!
I can't wait to come by and do some Christmas shopping:)
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.
Psalm 94:19

This post is linked to Ivy and Elephants, I Heart Naptime, and My Girlish Whims.

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