Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #140

On Thursdays I share photos of items that I've found during week
at thrift stores, yard sales, or estate sales.
 But many times when I go to these places, I don't buy anything.
If I don't have a use for it or if it's too expensive, I won't buy it.
Sometimes I don't even see anything worth buying.
This week, I went into two thrift stores and didn't buy one thing---at first.
Although there was one item I was on the fence about.

 This Stanley thermos.
I'm not a coffee drinker, and even if I was, I don't think I'd like a used thermos.

However, I'd been on the lookout for one of these ever since I saw a picture
 of one turned into a lamp.

I thought this project would be so cool, but I knew I couldn't do it by myself.
So, I texted my hubby to see if he'd be willing to help me.
I didn't want to spend the $5 unless it was for this lamp.
I didn't get an answer from him, so I left without the thermos.

Ten minutes later when I was already across town, my hubby answered and agreed to help.
Luckily, the thermos was still at the store when I went back later that day.
I can't wait until I can show you guys the lamp!!

So, that's it.
Just one item for Thrifty Thursday.
I'll try not to let that happen again:)

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

But the Lord has been my defense,
and my God the rock of my refuge.
Psalm 94:22

 This post is linked to The Handmade Hangout, Junkin' Joe and Embracing Change.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see how your lamp turns out. I just bought a brand new, yet vintage, purple Stanley thermos. I was going to re-sell it but I decided to keep if for myself LOL.
