Friday, October 31, 2014

Darling Doily Covered Pumpkins

Would you like to see something cute?
How about this doily covered pumpkin. . .
or this doily covered gourd.
They're so easy to make.
All you need is a plastic pumpkin or gourd of some type
a doily
Mod Podge
foam brush
Remove the stem. My gourds had stems that were able to be removed, if yours won't come off,
trim a hole in the center of the doily large enough to go over the stem.
Then, using your foam brush, adhere Mod Podge on the pumpkin where the doily will cover.
Press the doily onto the glue making sure all the edges are tight against the gourd.
Allow to dry.
That's it! Too easy and too cute!
I'm going to keep mine out with my Thanksgiving decor.
Happy Halloween! I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
Do not be overcome by evil, bur overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

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