Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #141

This past weekend, I was able to go yard sale-ing in a part of town that I usually don't get to.
And, boy, did I have fun:)
There were two estate sales in that area that I had seen advertised in the classifieds,
plus I made it to several yard sales.
At one of the estate sales, I got these three awesome purchases. . .

this heavy duty rocker.
Because I was there on the last day of the sale, everything was half off.
So guess how much I paid for this rocker?!?
I'm not kidding.
Where else can you get a solid wooden rocker for that little?

I also got this old Pin It Skirt Marker for $3.50.
How cool is this?
Tailors used to use these to hem ladies' skirts (as I was told by the gal running the sale).

Isn't it so lovely and awesome?
I'm going to use it for a photo holder.

Because I'm a nurse, I was attracted to this old nursing textbook from the fifties.
I wasn't too keen on paying $1.50 for it until I opened it and saw these. . .

gorgeous transparencies!

They are double sided and show all the different organ systems.
Love them!

Come on back next Thursday and I'll show you the rest of the loot I picked up.

I recommend that you try to find an estate sale in your area this weekend. You never know what you'll find! I wish you all happy treasure hunting!

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
Let love be without hypocrisy.
Abhor what is evil.
Cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9
 This post is linked to Junkin' Joe, Be Different, Act Normal, and I Heart Naptime.


  1. I'm visiting from Be Different Act Normal. I love estate sales. It teaches me that our possessions can really tell our life story. And, I love the bargains.

  2. I love the nursing book with the transparencies. We had encyclopedias from the 1950s when we were growing up and they had these inside. I wish I still had them!
