Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Lovelies That I Love

Have I told you how much I love looking at Etsy?
Cause I do.
I'll be honest and say that I've bought very little (but that's because I'm a tightwad),
but I could spend hours pouring over it all.
Take a look at this cool stuff. . .

I love these key chains! The postmarks are so unique.
You can customize them with names or dates.
What a great gift idea.

What do you think of this plaque?
I think it's great- I'd love to hang one in our house- actually any of the signs from this shop.
They have so many awesome ones to choose from.

Who can't use an old wooden bobbin? :) They're so beautiful.
You can find this one here.

I have a small collection of alphabet stamps.
I love that this set comes not only with both upper and lower case, but also
with a case to store the stamps!
What a deal!

This t-shirt is so pretty.
I actually could use some more cute t-shirts. . .

Wasn't that fun?
That's it for today. Stop back by every other Wednesday for more goodies that I've found.

By the way, I am not affiliated with any of these companies, I just like their stuff.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

This post is linked to My Girlish Whims, Embracing Change, and Ivy and Elephants.


  1. I love looking through Etsy too! You have found some great stuff! There is so much to find there too.

  2. Hi Laura - I am so thankful to have found your blog! My name is Misty and I am the creator of the plaque you posted :)

    I was so blown away to find it on your blog I wanted to return the favor with a 10% off coupon code for you and your readers (THANKYOU2014).

    Ok, and seriously those bobbins... I NEED them!!!
