Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #139

It's one of my favorite days of the week. . . Thrifty Thursday!
The day where I show you the gems I found at my local thrift stores.
One of the stores had a large basket full of patterns.
I dug through looking for some old ones.
I got five from the seventies.
Groovy, huh?

They were only a quarter apiece.

I also happened across this letter L.
I do believe that's the last letter I need for my alphabet wall.

I picked up this French Literature book  for a quarter.

The print is all in French.
I have a simple project that I'm planning for this.

Last, but not least, I found these leaf cookie cutters for a quarter each.
I have something planned for these too, but it's not baking!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
O Lord, how great are Your works!
Psalm 92:5
This post is linked to Tatertots and Jello and Be Different, Act Normal.


  1. I love old patterns and have a huge box of them. I keep saying I'm going to do something with them but I just never get around to it. I even have some that were my Grandma's and I treasure those. She made all the men in the family robes one year for Christmas probably in the the early 70's and every time I look at it I'm reminded of my Dad's blue checked flannel robe. Love the memories they bring back!

  2. LOVE the 70' patters - my mom used to make a lot of our clothes back then & that's exactly how we dressed. I especially liked the maxi skits.
