Friday, November 28, 2014

Centerpieces to be Thankful for. . .

This past weekend, I got to help decorate for the Thanksgiving lunch banquet at my church.
Two other ladies and I decided to go with a vintage autumn theme.

We brought in some vintage stuff from our homes and paired it up as centerpieces.

We incorporated projects that the Children's Church classes had made
(like the painted jars and pumpkins made from Mason jar lids).

We added artificial fall leaves here and there.

We used vintage book page table runners.
Come back on Monday to see more about those!

Who would've thought that scales look so cute as centerpieces?!?

The silver base here is a vintage film roll canister.

Old books work great to give height to different pieces.

Here's another film canister.
I brought my easy autumn mason jars (on the right).

Here are the doily topped pumpkins that I showed you here.

This is a chicken feeder filled with all sorts of vintage goodies!
One of the gals brought this from right off her dining room table at home!

I love how the oranges brought a little pop of color and added to the autumn look!

You can go here and see how I used jute, a leaf, and a book without a cover
 to create the book on top of this pile.

This jar is filled with lots of treasures including a cross stitch piece that one of the ladies' grandma started but never finished. I love how she displayed it in this jar!

See how we used the old crochet thread to sit out as décor?

Scrabble tiles always add to any type of décor if you ask me:)
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting,
 and His truth endures to all generations.
Psalm 100:5


  1. Decorating with vintage pieces is always a big hit, great job! Love the idea for the book page table pulls everything together. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  2. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!Love the centerpiece of vintage items.
