Monday, December 1, 2014

Table Runner Made From Vintage Book Pages

Last week I showed you some vintage autumn themed centerpieces that I helped with.
We didn't have any table runners to use, so I got to try out a project I've been wanting to do. . .
a vintage book page table runner.

The tables that we were using were pretty long, so I decided that I'd make my runner
seven pages long. The book was about 12" high.
I tore 14 pages out of an old French textbook. I only trimmed off the rough edges from being torn. The rest of the edges were discolored with age and I wanted to leave that look.
Then I lined up the pages two across and taped them together being careful to keep them straight.
Once I had two rows of seven attached, I used a paper punch to give the edges a scalloped look

Then I repeated this seven more times to make a total of eight table runners.
I was so tickled with how cute they looked that I was willing to overlook the fact
that they were a little time consuming.
Plus they added to our vintage theme for the rest of the decorating.
If you have any sort of event coming up and you don't know what to do for a table runner, try this project. You'll be delighted with the results!
I think this would be cute done with sheet music, too!
Thanks for stopping by and God bless.
I will sing of mercy and justice; to You, O Lord, I will sing praises.
Psalm 101:1

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