Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Layout of the Week #98

I read a quote yesterday that said, "There's no wrong way to document your memories."
I think that's so true.
While I am a scrapbooker at heart, I also keep a plain, old photo album for all our pictures.
That way I don't feel the need to scrapbook every photo I take.
I think that helps to keep scrapbooking fun, instead of overwhelming.
If you've never tried scrapbooking, I encourage you to give it a try.
Every other Wednesday I do a tutorial to complete a simple layout from start to finish.
I try to use as few steps as possible while still creating a cute layout. All of the layouts can be completed in under an hour.
Here are my three favorite Layouts of the Week from this year. . .
You can go here to see how to make this one.
This one is layered, but I walk you through from start to finish.
This one is fun because it lets you use up embellishments from your stash.
 If you find one layout that you really like, you can use it more than once. All you have to do is use different papers, embellishments, and photos.
Feel free to look back through all my Layouts of the Week. I walk you through step by step and intend for you to use products that you have on hand.
What a great way to get your photos scrapped while using supplies that you already have!
I'd love to have you come follow along!
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.
Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!
Psalm 100:1

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