Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thrifty Thursday #144

I love it when I'm out running errands and I happen to pass right by a yard sale.
It makes it feel like it was meant to be for me to stop. (ha ha:)
That's how it was when I drove by the local high school last Saturday.
The drill team was having a big yard sale in the parking lot.

Since I was right there, I couldn't help but stop:)
I found some good stuff and I only spent $2.35!

I got these four rolls of crochet yarn for ten cents apiece.
While I really want to learn to crochet, I think I'll use these for something else.
You'll have to come back to see what-it's something you wouldn't expect!

I love vintage spools- of any size!
I spotted these two big beauties and was pleasantly shocked that the lady only wanted
a dime for each one!
They are now sitting on a shelf in my living room with two other large spools.

Another item that I love is old books- especially in foreign languages.
I spotted these German books and knew that I'd have to get at least one.
When I found out the lady only wanted a quarter per book, I picked up all four. . .

plus these three on shorthand/speedwriting.
They're all so pretty, I don't plan on cutting them up.
I think they'll sit on shelves as part of my decor.

That's it. Not much, but definitely enough to make the stop worthwhile!

I hope you come across an unexpected sale this weekend!
Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing.
Psalm 100:2

 This post is linked to Glitter, Glue, and Paint, Craft-O-Maniac,
Be Different, Act Normal, and Ivy and Elephants.


  1. Hi there, I hopped over from What's it Wed. Love your finds! I shared the perfect project for your Vintage thread :) Blessings, Cecilia

  2. Hey bloggy friend, come over to Fabulous Friday and share your cool finds
    Hugs Maria
