Friday, December 26, 2014

Don't Throw Away All Those Christmas Cards. . .

Christmas is over. That's always bittersweet.
It seems to come on us in a rush, then whizzes right by.

One thing I always do once it passes is gather up all the Christmas cards that we have gotten.

This year, I did something super easy.
I punched holes in the upper corners, then bound them with an office ring.
I tied couple of pieces of ribbon on the ring and added a tag that says 2014.
I think the only thing that would've been easier is if I'd bound them with a rubber band.
If you don't usually keep your cards, I suggest you try this.
It will only take a few minutes, but will make a wonderful keepsake.
I now have five years' worth of cards and it is delightful to go back through them and look at them.
I wish that I'd been keeping them all along. 

Once you bundle them, you can put them in a cute basket and set them on your coffee table.

You can go here and here to see the card bundles I've done in years past.

How many of you keep your cards every year?
How do you keep them organized?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

 O God, my heart is steadfast;
I will sing and give praise,
 even with my glory.
Psalm 108:1


  1. Hi, what a beautiful idea!!
    Greetings from Italy!
    La Sportina
