Monday, February 2, 2015

MIni Album Monday #47- Another "Things I Love About You" Album

I love looking back through the different mini albums that I've made throughout the years.
I totally love seeing the old photos and I adore reading the journaling.

Since Valentine's Day is right around the corner, I thought that I could show you an album called,
"31 Things I Love About You."
I made it for my hubby when he turned 31. (I won't tell you how long ago that was,
but the little boys in these photos are now teenagers:)

I used a mini album kit to make this album. The book is 6"x 6".
By using an album kit, I didn't have to search for coordinating papers 
or even trim papers to the right size.
If you want to make a mini album and keep it as simple as possible, buy a kit.
They often come with directions that include suggestions of how to put the album together
which makes it even easier!
I used different types of metal letters on the cover and placed part of my title peeking out of the window on the cover.

Whenever I make an album, I always try to have an introduction page.
This says, "For your 31st birthday, I wanted you to know how much I love you. The reasons are endless, but here's a list of 31 things I love about you."

This album has five two page spreads, so I varied the amount of journaling on each layout.
The journaling was easy to do since I was just listing the things that I love about my hubby.
Some of the reasons I wrote were:
how you sing Hank William's song Long Gone Lonesome Blues,
your Sean Connery accent,
what a wonderful father you are,
how I can talk to you about anything

I varied the number of photos on each layout. The first two layouts only have one photo each.
The pages that came with this kit had some windows cut out of the pages.
The page on the right had three small windows stacked.
I placed my journaling behind them so it looked like it was framed.

For embellishments, I used different metal hearts like brads and charms.
Some more of my reasons were:
your integrity,
your love for the outdoors,
your honesty,
how much you love petting zoos (with a picture of him and one of our sons petting a goat)

Some of the journaling I printed directly onto the pattern paper
and some I printed onto tags, then attached the tags to the pages.

I also added green fibers on some of the tags.

The journaling on these pages say:
your button nose,
how you dance with our boys,
how you hold my hand,
how you don't mind that almost every time we stay up to watch a movie, I fall asleep,
how you still open the car door for me after 8 years

This type of list journaling is very easy-you can write some serious reasons and some silly things.
Even though it's been awhile since I made this book, all these reasons still apply.
I love that he has something that he can hold in his hands that shows him what he means to me.

I ended the book by saying, "For these things and many more. . .
I love you and I always will."

This idea would be great to do for Valentine's Day and would also make a nice anniversary gift.
I'm thinking that I need to do one of these for each of my boys, although considering they are teenagers, I don't know how much they'd appreciate such a gift:)

If you'd like to see a similar Things I Love About You album with a tutorial, you can go here.

Thanks so much for stopping by and God bless.

Let us not become conceited,
provoking one another,
envying one another.
Gal. 5:26

This post is linked to Life with Lorelai, Daisy Cottage Designs, The Dedicated House,
and Skip to My Lou.

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of the metal charms you add to the album. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty :) Hope to see you again next week.

    Life With Lorelai
