Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thrifty Thursday #159

Do you have one thrift store that for some reason is your favorite?
Perhaps it just seems better than the rest?
I do.
The staff who works there is friendly, it's clean and organized,
and doesn't have that funny secondhand smell:)

It's also where I get most of my good finds.
 Here's what I found there this week. . . 

I fell in love with this burlap bag- especially when I saw it was only $1!
It's about 12" tall.
I plan to turn it into a small decorative pillow.

I got this wooden plaque for fifty cents.
My mom has a collection of these in her kitchen, so I'll give this to her.

I got these three vintage atlases for ten cents apiece.

The graphics are great.
What will I do with three of them, you ask?
Well, I gave one to a friend.
The other two are sitting on a shelf in my closet just waiting to be turned
 into jewelry or a bunting or a scrapbook layout.

Less than two dollars got me some good stuff, huh?

Thanks for stopping by and God bless.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, 
and whose hope is the Lord.
Jer. 17:7
This post is linked to Embracing Change and The Crafted Sparrow.

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